I've recently discovered a few things you can do with silly putty.
Summer solution
1. Take a ball of silly putty and an ice cube
2. Flatten and spread out the putty
3.Wrap the ice cube in the putty
4. Place it on a pulse point such as your wrist
5. Rebel against the sun's heat and cool off!!!
Pencil gripper
1. Take a ball of silly putty and divide it into three parts
2. Flatten and shape into a rectangle (Do this for each part)
3. Take a pen or pencil and wrap the putty around it
4. No more sore hands!
Gift card holder
1. Take your silly putty and shape it into a square
2. Put a corner of the gift card on the putty diagonally
3. Fold over the putty and shape around the card accordingly.
4. Do this to the other 3 corners if you'd like
5. Stick the gift card on a place other than the refrigerator( or on the fridge, that works too!)
Hope this helped and don't forget to subscribe! http://www.youtube.com/user/Lyrafurret88?feature=mhee
i like your blog
You're awesome!!! I think I have another blog somewhere that's for my youtube channel....